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Hipster PDA

| organizer

3×5 index cards totally rock.

PIM love

| productivity

I am completely in love with my latest indispensable personal
information management tool:

A 3×5 deck of plain (unruled) index cards.

Seriously. A 3×5 deck of plain index cards and a writing implement
like a black gel pen, a black 0.5 Pilot Hi-Techpoint (which just gives
me a great feeling) or a Mongol #2 pencil is my geek survival kit.


I can write temporary notes on index cards. It’s random-access, so I
can flip through things. The plastic neatly holds business cards and
folded pieces of paper. If I need to give people information, I can
write on new 3×5 cards and give the cards to them—they’re tougher
than paper, so they won’t get lost or crumpled as easily.

I lurv my index cards.

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