Contact me
Posted: - Modified:Got an idea? Have a question? I’d love to learn and share!
I prefer to be contacted via blog comments or e-mail. You can also message me on Mastodon (
I currently don’t accept advertising, press releases, and other commercial material for my blog. Because this is a personal blog, I rarely accept guest posts (especially not generic ones). If you have something you think really fits my interests, send it to me, explain why it’s a great fit, and we might talk about it. Better yet, post it somewhere else and send me a link.
You can e-mail me at I tend to respond to e-mail infrequently. If you use GPG, you can import my public key.
Possible topics of mutual interest
Some of the less-common things I do are:
- Lots of automating/customizing/programming:
- Emacs – the most flexible piece of software I’ve ever come across
- NodeJS, some Python
- Tracking my life and making better decisions with data (Quantified Self, applied rationality, etc.)
- Drawing, writing, and otherwise sharing my thoughts (see my blog and my sketches)
Nathaniel Lipkus
2012-11-27T07:46:54ZLove the sketchnote of our IP lecture last week! You are super-talented, and your artwork is totally copyrightable ... :)
2013-12-07T18:13:56Zhi, I have been following your sketch from long time,just wanted to say Thank you your work had helped me alot in all aspects of life,you know if you translate your name in hindi(Indian Language) it means (true mouse) :) keep the good work going,Knowledge is Power.
2013-12-08T10:20:46ZYou're welcome!
2014-04-22T05:33:00ZHi. Check out, Srinivas Rao. You might like his interview style. Great guests and he creates more content than anyone I've ever met.
JiEun Lee
2014-07-18T15:24:32ZHello Sacha. First of all, I would like to say huge thank you for everything you have done so far! I recently learned about your blog and sketchnoting. Since then, I have been searching frantically apps, stylus, and other techniques to practice and develop my sketchnote taking and visual recording skills. I currently own Asus 10.1 tablet (1.5 years old). I recently tried out Artflow free version app with standard stylus (not fine tip) and noticed it did skipping (not drawing a smooth line) quite significantly. I wonder if it's because my skills are still not equipped, because it's free version, or because my stylus is not thin enough or my tablet itself is too slow.. I want to ask what your opinion is about that. I'm more towards to either my lack of skill but want to know if there is anything I can do to correct that.
Thank you so much for your great work!
2014-07-18T18:09:19ZIt's great that you're playing around with that! Yeah, responsiveness is a big deal. I ended up giving up on my Asus Transformer tablet because it was just not as smooth as I wanted. The pro version is probably not going to be more optimized than the free one you have; it likely just has additional brushes or features. I've heard lots of people be happy about drawing on iPads, but that's yet more hardware to try out! Maybe paper for now?
I use a Lenovo X200 tablet PC because that gives me the smoothest experience (with the slight annoyance that Windows 8.1 means I can't disable touch, so my palm occasionally messes up the drawing; I miss Windows 7). It's a bigger machine than most people are looking for, though.
JiEun Lee
2014-07-18T20:48:57ZThank you very much for such a quick reply! I should have invested more money when I first looking for a tablet to buy, but iPad is such a wonderful device, still to me it is too expensive.. (That's why I chose Asus 10.1 memopad at first place and it was on sale). For now, I should practice more on paper until I have sufficient money to indulge another gadget. Thank you so much your reply. I hope you keep in touch with you.
P Stark
2014-08-28T11:33:40ZHi Sacha. I was going through your emacs config file to get started and it turns out the link to the "Emacs-Starter-Kit" is dead now. It can now be found on github:
2014-10-27T05:25:18ZThe link titled "Making the most of my introversion" results in a 404. I'd love to read your writings on that topic.
Annette Bater
2015-02-10T19:19:10ZHi Sacha. I tried reaching out to you via email but not sure if I got lost in a backlog of emails. Any chance we can have a quick chat about SAP Young Thinkers and your quantified self work?
Ed Warmus
2015-02-25T21:21:37ZHi Sacha, I found some of your stick art figures online and would like to use six of them for a chart presentation. Attached is the chart. Please?
2015-03-02T02:25:42ZSure, feel free. =)
Umut Çakır
2015-03-04T17:50:34ZHi Sacha, i am new in emacs and amazed and loved org-mode. But not Mobile-org. What do you think about Mobileorg or using org-mode in android?
Najib Amhali
2015-04-17T20:07:39ZNice blog. I enjoyed a lot of reading from it. Got it from Any chance to feature the collection of popular Emacs package on
2015-04-25T00:48:26ZNeat! That's a great idea. =)
William Manire
2015-06-01T22:17:05ZYou have so much material on org mode that I have no idea where to start! I want to give org mode a serious try this year and I'm wondering how you might suggest that I go about consuming all of your org articles. Is there a particular reading order you would recommend?
2015-06-02T17:09:50ZMmm... How about starting with something like ? =)
William Manire
2015-06-02T23:11:23ZWow, this is exactly what I needed! Thank you!
Sanjeev Kumar Verma
2015-09-10T11:50:23ZInspired from your blog, I have started my blog: https://sanjeevkumarverma.w....
Nastya Stayku
2015-10-08T07:59:51ZHi Sacha! Inspired' from your stoic sketchnotes which make up an Action- Plan with specific terms and responsabilities that goes through one’s whole life, I'm writing to you on behalf of the SNK Association in Bucharest, Romania. Our projects regard mainly popularizing the stoic philosophy and the stoic way of life here in Romania. For that we have two main activities. The first on is the Seneca Lucius Annaeus Editura Publishing House, that addresses mostly young people, so our books come with specially made graphic illustrations realized by students from the National Arts University. Inspired by Seneca’s texts they have brought to life the philosopher’s words with images to represent the core of their knowledge.
Our other running project is the Seneca Anticafe, a place with multiple resources (a 5000 book multilingual library, bookshop, working desks, a place for seminars and conferences and so on, there is a link bellow) We organize lectures, eco-living trainings, screenings and other activities.
By its status, the Association is a Not For Profit Organization, all revenue goes back into funding additional translations, publishing, and so on.
The reason why I am writing is you "stoic graphic translations" and would very much like to be able to translate it in Romanian and make it available here in a printed version. So we kindly ask for the right to use the sketches, should you be kind enough to answer our request.
Thank you!
Anastasia Stayku.
Soyoung Cho
2015-10-11T04:59:44ZHi Sacha~!! I'm so thankful to you to know your blog. I'm looking for a good guide to plan a day. Because I want to break through my lethargy and sleep disorder. I inspired from your blog and I've got desire to apply your idea some of my life. Thank you Sacha =)
- SY
Nirag Patel
2015-12-12T06:29:47ZHi Sacha,
i need your help to create function which can reschedule agenda line item to some relative date in future.
castern created one such function to reschedule agenda line item from past date to today.
(defun org-agenda-reschedule-to-today ()
(flet ((org-read-date (&rest rest) (current-time)))
(call-interactively 'org-agenda-schedule)))
how can i modify it to reschedule agenda items to today+4d
2015-12-13T02:19:45Zorg-agenda-schedule takes a TIME argument as the second argument, and that argument can be something like "+4d". So you could have a (defun my/org-agenda-reschedule-soon () (interactive) (org-agenda-schedule nil "+4d")), I think.
Nirag Patel
2015-12-16T05:26:05ZIt worked, that was exactly what i needed,
Nesim Sisa
2015-12-30T18:46:17ZGreat resources for Emacs on this blog - I ll be sure to check out the others as well :)
2016-01-02T15:12:12ZI surfed in to read about how you made your own transcription foot pedal. I'd like to see you write a macro that would let transcriptionists use the keyboard instead of a foot pedal (specifically the stop and start commands for playing the sound file.) This would allow someone to ride an exercise bike while they transcribe. Is is possible?
2016-01-04T01:10:36ZIn Emacs, I used emms to play the sound file, and it was easy enough to bind keys to emms-pause and emms-seek-backward. Good luck!
2016-01-09T13:26:30ZHi Sasha, I'd like to purchase some things via Gumroad. But since you suggested to not use it for monetary compensation, I'd like to ask you for a different way to get some money for the ressources to you. Thank you very much in advance and thank you for sharing :)
2016-01-14T23:16:50ZThanks! =) How generous of you! Gumroad sorted out the European thing, so I should remove that notice. That said, time (and conversation!) are probably better than money (more on that at ), so if you happen to have a tip or skill you can share with me, that works too!
Frédéric Vachon
2016-02-06T03:37:40ZHi Sacha! Thanks for this blog and your publications, what a great source of ideas and inspiration! I didn't found your blog that way, but reading your texts on blogging inspired me to blog more, as I've tried so many times during the last years without success. The idea of writing anything you want, even if it's just to use later as a personal archive is great in itself and I'm counting on it to stay motivated =) I'm questioning myself more right now on the language I should use to blog : I'm Canadian too, but from Quebec. As I want to write more about my personal experience with Emacs (first reason I found your blog), Linux and academia (As a cultural geographer working on LGBTQ issues), writing in English would surely help me get a broader audience but at the same time, I guess writing in french could help others french speakers learn about these subjects. Finishing your book on blogging left me with this interrogation and it will probably end into one or multiples blog posts. Thanks again for your inspiration, you can count me as a new follower and avid reader =)
2016-02-08T19:16:18ZThat's awesome! Blog away, and have fun! =)
Aisha Syed
2016-02-23T17:12:53ZHi Sacha! I have been really enjoying reading your blog posts! My name is Aisha and I am an intern working at the organization called Jane's Walk. Jane's Walks are free walking tours led by volunteers, on which people can tell stories about their communities, explore their cities, and connect with neighbors. We want to incorporate sketchnoting within our walks, so I wanted to know if you have any tips or guidance to capture great sketches or sketch notes on or from a walk? Your help would be greatly appreciated!
2016-02-29T22:44:57ZOoh, you should totally reach out to Toronto Urban Sketchers ( http://toronto-urbansketche... ) and get some kind of awesomeness happening! =)
Aisha Syed
2016-03-16T15:47:00ZThank you! Awesomeness happened!
Kimberley D'Adamo Green
I came across your work while searching for a sketch notes class that I could take. Girl, you are AMAZING!!! I spend a lot of time thinking and understanding how artists think, and the way you think must be fascinating.
I am an artist and teacher, developing what I think is a new way to teach art. In the middle of writing the second draft of a guide for teachers, I realize I need a coach or editor of some sort-one who thinks visually and understands cognition and how creative thinking develops. A rare constellation of gifts. I stumbled across you, and wondered if you ever do any coaching....?
Either way, thank you for making your thinking so visible to everyone else who can learn from it. That is a rare kind of generosity.
Kind Regards,
2016-03-01T02:39:11ZThat guide sounds like a neat idea! I probably won't be able to focus on pretty much anything for the next little while, but maybe you could reach out to Mike Rohde (Sketchnote Handbook) or check out courses like . You've probably already come across stuff like and - what did you think of them?
Timothy Shiu
2016-03-12T23:16:59ZHey Sacha, great emacs posts. I am searching for emacs (editor macros, of course) conference. But I just got a marketing conference.... Do you know any up coming conference?
2016-03-21T15:05:35ZSee for discussion/details! =)
Timothy Shiu
2016-03-21T20:49:08ZHey Sacha, thanks for the links, which also leads to more discussion at http://discourse.emacsconf2...
2016-07-11T18:30:24ZThank you so much for the emacs interviews!
2016-07-13T05:36:43ZYou're welcome! I probably won't be able to schedule more of those for a while, but if you're so inclined, feel free to go ahead and do something like that if you want. (Or nudge dgopar to make more Emacs.el podcast episodes! )
2016-08-13T08:32:31ZHey Sacha,
I am trying to transcribe stuff or speak to text but somehow I feel there must be sth better out there.
Google somehow stops in the middle, even when I am at home and connected to the internet.
transcribe is okish but also I feel that it suddenly stops in the middle.
I feel like I am loosing my thought when I start rereading it. And if I dont I only see after the end that it doesnt make sense and that I dont even rmember what I wrote.
The stuff I want to transcribe is me thinking out loud.
Maybe I have to record it first and then transcribe it and skip the speech to text?
You transcribe so much stuff so I wanted to ask what tools you use. Maybe you can help me out?
That would be awesome.
2016-08-17T04:25:51ZYeah, I'm still not too keen on live automated transcription. Things get lost or mistranscribed, and it's mentally disruptive to try to fix those. You might be better off doing an audio recording of you thinking out loud, and then playing it back in case you thought of something brilliant that you want to write down. It may help to use an app that skips silences, or use a tool that removes those silences afterwards. Playing things back at 2x the speed can help you skip boring parts, too. I think there are apps that allow you to record with the ability to add bookmarks/highlights, so it's easy to jump to specific sections in your recording.
2016-12-17T18:47:27ZHello Sacha,
I just linked to your awesome sketchnoting tips on my german page about sketchnoting:
I like your style and all the other things in your blog! Keep up the great work!
Maybe you can link to my page, too, for your german visitors. :-)
2016-12-20T03:33:51ZGlad you like it! You might also enjoy , if you haven't come across that yet... =)
2016-12-20T08:58:31ZYeah, thanks :)
2017-01-11T05:11:38ZHello Sacha,
I wrote this post last year - Please share with the wider audience if you find it useful.
2017-01-14T19:47:27ZWould you consider posting it and other resources you make/come across to ? You might get a wider discussion there, and I check that regularly for links, too!
Brandon Blake
2017-08-07T00:08:02ZI llve org-mode. I am just wrapping my head around it, but am starting to get a pretty good feel for it, and my init file is starting to get tweaked to create an environment that really works. I have a question about sparse trees, and having the results show up expanded. Right now, it shows the results of the search narrowed, and if i expand with S Tab, it removes the filter. Only issue i haven't been able to readilly find. Can you help, or perhaps point me in the right direction? Your website is one of the best org-mod blogs around!
2017-09-22T09:31:37Zhello Sacha, I came across your blog in my MBA study and became very interested in it. Would you mind sharing your 5-year experiment of semi-retirement? How did this idea come about and how did you find the journey so far? I've worked in universities and public sectors for more than 10 years, got a bit bored with corporate culture, and am now looking for a higher and freer horizon to develop my career. Many thanks for your sharing.
2018-03-09T04:47:46ZAncient comment, but you might find my notes at interesting if you haven't read them yet!
Emmanuel Goldstein
2018-01-25T06:35:03ZAs still a newbie to Emacs, congrats on your excellent blog, always a goto place for learners and experts! Two questions:
1) Do you recommend anaconda or Elpy as python environment for Emacs?
2) Is it possible to have a similar interface using Python such as with Hydrogen Atom with interactive output of code in the document [See to see what I mean].
3) I have Ely and Jedi at the moment installed in muy Emacs 24, but I don't get the automatic formatting and autocompletion when writing Python code. Any advice?
Thanks so much in advance and keep the good work up!
2018-03-09T04:47:11ZSorry this slipped through the cracks! I have very little experience with coding Python, so maybe asking might be more useful for you. I've seen lots of people post questions there and get answers. There's an Emacs StackExchange, too. Good luck!
Jeff Trull
2018-03-05T01:06:56ZHi Sacha! Do you ever come to the SF Bay Area? I organize the local Emacs meetup and we'd love to have you speak.
2018-03-09T04:46:29ZThanks for thinking of me! I probably won't have enough focused time to prepare and give presentations for the next while, on account of tiny human. =) Maybe when A-'s in school!
Jeff Trull
Abasiama Ette
2018-05-16T10:01:17ZHi Sacha, can we repost your book sketchnotes on our networking platform?
2018-08-07T17:34:34ZSure, feel free!
Dashan Williams
2018-08-07T14:38:24ZHello Sacha, do you teach Bisaya? Or know someone who teaches in the Toronto area? Thanks!
2018-08-07T17:34:51ZDon't know, sorry, and I haven't looked into it before. Good luck!
Seep Secreat (nick)
2018-09-16T12:12:29Zhello Sacha, i have a question: "In the command line, when i run command "emacs 1 2 3", why the current buffer is 3 instead of 1, how to tinker this?" thanks in advance!
2018-09-16T19:47:27ZThe most recent file is on top. Want to call it as emacs 3 2 1 instead, or write a shell script that tries to reverse arguments?
2018-11-29T15:18:17ZHey Sacha -- Thanks so much for your blog.
I was wondering, since you say you use Gnus for email/newsgroups, why do you load notmuch? I've just started trying it and love some things about it (speed) but Gnus is more configurable.
2018-12-11T12:27:42ZCuriosity, I think. :) I haven't had much chance to use either. Life with a toddler means my email time is usually a minute here and there on my phone. Someday!
Abdo Essam
2019-03-17T13:27:29Zhi sacha, i'm new to emacs (vim user) and have read your posts for new to emacs?, so what to do next? thanks
2019-03-18T12:39:55ZThat's such a big question! You can probably start by looking for tutorials on Evil Mode or Spacemacs if you want to soften the transition from Vim by keeping mostly the same keybindings. You can also look for tutorials on specific aspects you'd like to learn more about. You can usually find tutorials and discussions on setting up Emacs for a specific programming language. If you're getting into Emacs for Org, read through a bunch of tutorials to get a sense of which workflow is kind of similar to the one you have in mind. Aside from that, I'd recommend posting on with more details about your interests (Coding? Note-taking? Research?) and what you do now so that you can get recommendations for the next steps, or maybe looking through the archives. I also like browsing through the cool stuff people are doing with Emacs as a way to learn about things I wouldn't have thought of searching for, and you might find the Emacs News I put together ( ) useful for the same purpose. Good luck and have fun!
Abdo Essam
2019-04-05T02:55:49Zthat is very helpful, thank you very much
2019-03-21T13:16:54ZHi Sacha,
I started reading your blog for the emacs content but I really enjoy the rest of it too, like your writing on parenting.
Your writing and ideas were part of the motivation to put an emacs package I wrote on MELPA:
2019-03-23T13:03:01ZThanks for reading, and for contributing to the Emacs community! :)
2019-05-10T23:27:20ZHi Sacha! As a PhD student about to write my dissertation I have heard people talk about Asciidoc being superior to LaTeX or any dialects of Markdown for this task. However, as far as I understand the Emacs support for Asciidoc is so far not that good. Do you know if anyone in the Emacs community is working to improve this?
2019-05-13T15:17:32ZI haven't come across anything recently, but asking on might get a few comments from other people. Good luck!
2019-05-20T01:29:49ZHello I just came across your blog about designing conferences and making them even better which is what I love too, thank you for sharing your work! You might like the book 'the art of the gathering' which is related. Lisa
Nordine Lotfi
2020-01-26T19:56:28ZHi Sacha! just came across your blog thanks to a friend who's into emacs -- I'm a Vim user since a while now, and contemplated moving to emacs for its orgmode/orgbrain which i heard lots of good things about.
Wish to ask questions/discuss idea on a possible workflow i want on emacs, and maybe exchange advice, my twitter is if you want to further discuss, unless you prefer email :)
2020-01-28T00:40:13ZI don't have a lot of computer time these days (still taking care of a kiddo! =) ), but the folks over at and are awesome and can help you explore all sorts of possible workflows. =) There's really cool stuff out there, and I hope you'll find a great fit for you!
Nordine Lotfi
2020-01-28T09:14:15ZThanks! yeah, asked some ppl around who use emacs, think i got the gist of what i'm getting into, definitely will make the change :D
2020-02-26T17:25:33ZGreat blog, reading every week :) keep it up!
2020-03-09T14:12:27ZYour blog is fantastic, I especially like the list of org and emacs related links! Definitely keep it going!
2020-04-23T12:50:01ZSo glad I discovered your blog. emacs isn't so daunting after all. I thought you might like to know, though, that isn't reachable.
2020-05-05T02:29:49ZYup, I set up some time after went down.
2020-05-06T03:44:54ZOh, thank you. I'll try that one.
2020-06-11T08:15:29ZI've followed for a long time, but then I fell off for an equally long time. It was a great surprise when I came back tonight and found you still here. I will have to catch up on all the Emacs/A/W goodness. Thanks for all you do, and for sharing it with us.
2020-09-16T18:13:58ZDo you provide Emacs coaching service? I am a teacher and researcher and want to boost productivity with Emacs.
If you do not, could you give pointers to help me finding a coach?
2020-09-22T03:55:28ZThanks for reaching out! =) I'm busy with other things at the moment, but you might find people at . The folks over at are also quite helpful, too. Good luck!
2021-03-30T19:05:23ZIf you're looking for Org Mode or Org Roam coaching, I hear Leo Vivier ( is offering coaching.
2021-03-31T18:09:13ZThe book https://www.masteringemacs....
Is a good starting point as well.
2021-02-28T17:15:41ZLove your sketches and thoughts... feel like you are a kindred parenting spirit even though you are a far, far more tech savvy version ! :)
2021-03-27T10:33:32ZHi, this is suuuch a longshot but I found your blog on a Google deep dive looking for a specific recipe - you don't happen to still have the Yung sing dim sum recipe book you used in your post on coconut buns by any chance, do you? I realize it was in 2011... I've been looking for their recipe for tofu buns ever since the restaurant closed and its very elusive!
2021-03-30T19:11:14ZWe still have the book, but I don't see a tofu bun recipe in it, unless you mean the vegetable bun.
Dough: 55g warm water (60ml), 1 egg, 225g soft flour, 560g all purpose flour, 110g sugar, 78g salt, 110g milk (125ml), 3g lard, 3g butter
Filling: 100g Chinese cabbage, 50g celery, 50g diced carrots and peas, 25g fried tofu, 25g onion flakes, 25g bamboo shoots, 50g bean sprouts
Seasonings: 2 ml (1/2 tsp) salt, 1 ml (1/4 tsp) sugar, 2 ml (1/2 tsp) hot sauce, 15 ml (1 tbsp) oyster sauce, 15 ml (1 tbsp) soy sauc, 2 ml (1/2 tsp) sesame oil, pinch pepper, 30 ml (2 tbsp) vegetable oil
Yeast paste: 12g dried yeast into 495 ml warm water, pour into 340g hard flour (all purpose?), knead for 5 minutes, let rise for 2 hours.
Combine yeast paste, water, egg, milk, sugar, salt, flour; knead, cover with damp cloth, let rise for 2 hours.
Saute veg, add seasoning, cool.
Divide into 24 balls, let rise 15 minutes. Flatten, fill, wrap. Let rise for 2 hours, covering with plastic wrap.
Bake for 15 min at 375F (191C).
Jason Braganza
2022-09-26T05:03:29ZWas wondering just how in the world, my emacs posts were getting so much love, until I stumbled upon today and was so delighted to see my blog on there.
And then was even more delighted to discover that you were the evil genius behind the planet.
Thank you so much for doing this! And have a lovely day :)
Kwee Tan
2023-04-08T18:49:26ZHope you are doing well.
ChatGPT tells me that you have some useful blogs on Desktop+ but the URLs are no longer valid.
1. "Using Desktop+ for Emacs: Organizing your workday" -
2. "Desktop Save Mode and Desktop+" -
If you still have these blogs, could you pass me their working urls?
Thanks in advance,
2023-04-09T17:38:36ZI think that might be a hallucination - ChatGPT tends to make things up. Sorry!
lolo pinpin
2023-10-23T08:27:39ZHi Sacha,
I found your link about David O'Toole emacs ai assistant. I read his demo 3 days ago but today I see the gitlab link is not working anymore and the project seems to be gone. That's a pity because it looked very interesting. If you happen to know anything about the future of Marvin the assistant please let me know. Thank you and have a great week!
2023-10-23T14:02:46ZI'll ask dto via e-mail and let you know.
2023-10-23T16:18:52ZFrom dto: I temporarily took down the Marvin repo for 2 reasons: 1. i checked some personal info into the repo early on and decided to scrub that by making a new repo. 2. I discovered that the model I built Marvin on, Mistral Instruct 7B, is not safe to operate without moderation controls , and may have deeper problems. Can you mention on the comments blog that the project is only down temporarily while I implement a version with the proper safeguards recommended by the manufacturer?
2023-10-25T02:59:08ZFrom dto: the marvin code has been restored to
Dominik Schrempf
2023-11-21T09:24:46ZHi! Thanks a lot for your efforts. Your Emacs News feed is outstanding! Cheers!
2023-11-21T17:07:42ZThank you for reading it and for your encouraging words!