Day 10: More ground beef salad

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Was pressed for time this morning, so just quickly cooked ground beef. Onions still incomprehensible. Heated them on low, but that was too low (even butter was not heating up nicely). Browned them again on medium. Will probably try really slow cooking over low, but not when class time looms.

Chopped around 6 tomatoes and put them in Ziplock bag. Brought other head of lettuce to school. Had hurried ground beef and warm pita for lunch. Apparently, pita bread warms nicely in microwave. One pita left in freezer.

Washed and crisped some leaves of lettuce for dinner. (Two CookOrDie meals in a day! Wow.) Swapped some lettuce + tomatoes + ground beef with Eric for half a bowl of instant noodles. (He insisted as he felt very guilty about eating my food. Had not eaten instant noodles in ages. Had not missed much.) Eric agrees beef could use more flavor, but thinks it’s a pretty good try nonetheless. Will experiment with salt and pepper tomorrow. Perhaps should go grocery-shopping now; maybe with Dominique, as he has more experience with cooking. <grin>

Tomorrow: perhaps try ground beef omelet, or mix ground beef with corn, or finally figure out secret of caramelized onions?

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