| emacsforcer: If I run across an interesting URL, I file it right away with some context clues. forcer: If I need to refer to it again, I use a small elisp function that searches my notes. forcer: It's a bit more context-sensitive than bookmarks, and it allows me to share the data with other people. ah forcer: If I feel diligent, I put it into my BBDB. Then I can hippie-expand from it in my mail and in chat. forcer: For example, tldpM-/ is so to say, you have a list of URLs and associated text :) forcer: The Linux Documentation Project ( is an excellent resource for newbies and experienced users alike. Check out its HOWTOs and guides for tons of information. There's a Linux Cookbook in there too, I think... :) forcer: Not really. I have random blog notes which occasionally have URLs. I can search on that and on the text around it. forcer: I can also figure out when I visited a site... ah forcer: ... and since planner.el captures all sorts of annotations, I can usually even tell you how I found out about the page - it gets linked to an e-mail or to another planner page... forcer: The e-mail links take me directly to the article, if it hasn't been expired yet. forcer: If not, well, it's a message ID and it has the author's name, so I guess I can just search. forcer: Pretty useful system, a bit more flexible than bookmarks (at least for me.)
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