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I have rediscovered the joys of nethack thanks to nethack-el, a
package that allows me to play that insanely addictive RPG from within
Emacs buffers. I hear there are even Dvorak bindings for it, which is
a very good thing.

I had a wimpy wizard who quite luckily and through no fault of her own
acquired a master mind flayer as a pet (tame kitten discovered a
polymorph trap). Did Really Well until I died due to some impatient
attacks on a queen bee. And it was going so well… <sniff>

Probably shouldn’t play until I can afford several seconds per move.

Having Elbereth on a keyboard macro is really, really good.

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Philipp Giese


Sacha, almost TEN YEARS after your post I am the first commenter!

I have a question: I try to establish nethack.el but when I run M-x nethack I get the error message:

"error in process sentinel: nh-sentinel: Symbol's value as variable is void: Terminal
error in process sentinel: Symbol's value as variable is void: Terminal"

I tried to open nethack in the eshell and the shell, respectively and in both ones I get this message: "Terminal must backspace"

Can you tell me what I do wrong?



Wild guess, but do you happen to have an ancient version of Nethack installed? Also, this might be relevant:

Philipp Giese


I am using Nethack 3.4.3 and the Nethack el-patch 0.9.5. As far as I know these are compatible.

I will ispect the source of Nethack for the Backspace, though, thanks!

Philipp Giese


Update: I fixed it now. The error was that the patch of nethack-el was not correctly implemented.

Now it works!