Oooh, Emacs ubercoder status

| emacs
 sachac: want to take over emacs-wiki?
 sachac: damien handed it off to somebody else, but I think you would do a good job
 sachac: and then you'll control the package that planner.el sits on
 sachac: enable you to do more extensive mods.. :)
 johnw: can you offer any advice on using planner-diary.el? not having any luck getting diary entries to
           display in my planner.
 johnsu01: i've never even heard of planner-diary.el!!
 johnw: Mark Triggs is in charge of emacs-wiki now...
 johnw: I've got a couple of patches for it, and am waiting for him to merge the ones he likes.
 sachac: well, since nobody asked me, I am offering it to you
 johnsu01: Oh! That's Thomas Gehrlein's package, right?
 sachac: but if you two are working together already, then that's fine too
 johnw: Haven't heard much from him, but I'd love to help out. Thanks for the offer! =) I'll let him try it out
          first; if he's too busy to maintain it, then I'll offer to take over. emacs-wiki is way cool.
 sachac: awesome; i'd rather see it in your hands, because i know you and know the good work you've done with
 sachac: if you're doing planner and remember both, all the more reason to add emacs-wiki, schedule and timeclock
        to your list :)
 all i'm going to say is, it's really too bad you are so young and so far away; you are an awesome girl, sacha --
        and quite an uebercoder yourself!