Searching for all entries related to a person

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How would I search for all entries related to a particular person? A
BBDB search that resolved URLs would get the explicit bbdb links
perfectly, but what about the links automatically derived from
annotations? I could search for all links and then parse out the name
derived from the BBDB if the link is of the form _____ from/to ____ .

The more general question is:

How do you extract entities (persons / resources) from semi-structured
text? I’m working with hyperlinked entries, so I can assume that:

– any e-mail is associated with a person (I hope)
– websites will frequently be rooted off another person’s namespace
– the contact database is populated by people
– names will tend to be non-dictionary, capitalized words

I’ll start out by getting explicit, consistent links recognized. Then
explicit, inconsistent links. Then unlinked names (woohoo).