Raw scores for enneagram test

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You scored as a Seven.

On your left is a breakdown of your scores, ordered from highest to
lowest. If you are not the type you scored highest as, you might be
one of the types you scored next highest as. The highest possible
score is 28, and the lowest is 0. Each type is linked to additional
information on that type. On your right is the breakdown of how many
questions you answered in favor of each triad group.

Type Score
Seven 20
Five 14
Nine 8
Two 8
Six 8
Four 8
One 8
Three 5
Eight 5

Your Raw Scores by Triad

Preferred intelligence triad

Behavioral 891 0
Emotional 234 0
Mental 567 7

Hierarchical styles triad

Control 258 2
Harmony 369 0
Ideals 147 5

Coping styles triad

Positive 792 5
Competency 135 2
Reactive 468 0

Social styles triad

Assertive 378 3
Compliant 126 1
Withdrawn 459 3

Remember that your Enneagram type is not how you score on a test, and
the reliability of this test has not been established. You should
regard its results with skepticism, using them only to guide you in
discovering for yourself what your Enneagram type is.

Each point in favor of a type comes from answering a question in favor
of a triad containing that type. This test measures for four different
triads. Three of them are described by Riso & Hudson in The Wisdom of
the Enneagram, and three are described by Hurley & Dobson in What’s My
Type?. All four triads are part of my own Enneagram Theory. It is
currently rough and unfinished, but you can look at it in its draft
form if you’re curious.


Primary Intelligence: Mental
Coping Style: Positive
Social Style: Assertive
Hierarchical Style: Ideals

Sevens use their mental intelligence to create a positive spin on life
by coming up with various utopian possibilities about how things could
be. They can be very inspirational as they assert their utopian ideals
about how people can live better lives or make the world a better
place. Robin Williams is a well-known Seven, and his character in the
movie Dead Poets Society is an excellent example of this. By regularly
imagining how things can be good or made better, Sevens tend to be
very optimistic, and their optimism gives them the confidence to
assert themselves in the world, going after whatever it is they want.

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