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We took up haiku in class today, just for fun. I wrote a lot. =) Then
just for kicks, I translated them to English and coerced the
translations into haiku form as well.

¹ÈÍÕ ¹ß¤ë ¤â¤ß¤¸ ¤Õ¤ë The autumn leaves fall
²» ʹ¤³¤¨¤Ê¤¤ ¤ª¤È ¤­¤³¤¨¤Ê¤¤ Not a sound is heard at all
Åß ¤¬ Íè¤ë ¤Õ¤æ ¤¬ ¤¯¤ë Winter is coming
Ä» ¤¬ µã¤¯ ¤È¤ê ¤¬ ¤Ê¤¯ The bird is crying
ºù ¸«¤Ê¤¤¤Ç ¤µ¤¯¤é ¤ß¤Ê¤¤¤Ç It can’t see cherry blossoms
Á° ¤Ë »à¤Ì ¤Þ¤¨ ¤Ë ¤·¤Ì Dying before then
Æü ¤Î ²«¿§ ¤Ò ¤Î ¤­¤¤¤í Sun-yellow color
¶õ ¤«¤é ¹ß¤Ã¤¿ ¤½¤é ¤«¤é ¤Õ¤Ã¤¿ Falling from the sky above
ÊÆ Æþ¤ì¤ë ¤³¤á ¤¤¤ì¤ë Goes into the rice
zÌÚ ¤¿¤ª¤ì¤ë ¤­ ¤¿¤ª¤ì¤ë If a tree tumbles
¤À¤ì¤« ʹ¤«¤Ê¤¤ ¤À¤ì¤« ¤­¤«¤Ê¤¤ And no one hears it falling
²» ¤¬ ¤¹¤ë? ¤ª¤È¤¬¤¹¤ë? Does it make a sound?
Éٻλ³ ¤Ï ¤Õ¤¸¤µ¤ó ¤Ï Fuji-mountain is
ÃѤº¤«¤·¤½¤¦ ¤À ¤Ï¤º¤«¤·¤½¤¦ ¤À A bit embarassed, it seems
ÆÞ ³Ý¤±¤ë ¤¯¤â ¤«¤±¤ë Wearing cloud clover
Åß ¤Î ǯ ¤Õ¤æ ¤Î ¤È¤· The years of winter
³Û ¤Ë ¿¤¤ Àþ ¤Ò¤¿¤¤ ¤ª¤ª¤¤ ¤»¤ó With many lines on forehead
¿´ ²Æ ¤³¤³¤í ¤Ê¤Ä In the heart, spring
¿ý µã¤¯ ¤¹¤º¤á ¤Ê¤¯ The bird is crying
»Ò¶¡ Ä·¤Ð¤ì¤ë ¤³¤É¤â ¤È¤Ð¤ì¤ë Children can now fly away
Îø¤·¤¤ ¤Ê ¤³¤¤¤·¤¤ ¤Ê It misses them so