
| emacs

We reviewed all the grammatical structures taken up over the last 25
chapters. I found grammar easy to remember. I think it’s because I
remember patterns well. That’s probably why I can pull almost-random
information out of my head. On the other hand, I have a hard time
remembering details, so I’ll need to revise a lot for my kanji test on
Monday afternoon.

After lunch, I got several bug closes back from happy Planner users.
I just love it when that happens. =)

I also e-mailed someone with Japanese page about emacs-wiki. I told
him about the change of maintainers and the new way of getting
versions. =) It was a good opportunity to practice translation, and
I’m slowly getting the hang of it. I love practicing with
documentation of my own software… ;)

I met some people from my host company
this afternoon. Apparently, there aren’t a lot of Linux projects these
days, so they’re changing our training program. I’ll be learning
Delphi instead. That should make Ranulf quite happy. I’m looking
forward to learning Delphi. =) (It’s a heck of a lot better than
working with VB, and there’s always Kylix for us Linux geeks…)

Managed to survive using Japanese. Understood most of what they said.
Way, way, cool.

Practiced poi. Took video of what I think might be a fountain. Video
will be uploaded to eventually.
(Probably today.)

Tonight is planner packaging night. After that, I’m going to upload my
poi videos and relax before tomorrow’s cramming session.