WAAAH! Another thing I want to go to!
| -UncategorizedAs I can’t go, can someone else go and take notes?
From: Sunil AbrahamSubject: Asia Source: Tech camp for the voluntary sector [Details and Form] Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 00:36:34 +0900 Dear Friends, Please apply if you are interested in Free/Open Source Software and Development. AND/OR Please forward to your colleagues from the voluntary sector in South Asia / South East Asia. Thanks, Sunil -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asia Source: Tech camp for the voluntary sector [Details and Form] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bangalore, India. January 28th to February 4th 2005. Asia Source hopes to bring together over 100 people from 20 countries to increase the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) amongst the voluntary sector in South and South East Asia. This week long event will bring together NGOs and NGO technology support professionals working at the grassroots level across the region to learn new skills, exchange tips, and share experiences. Together with regionally and globally renowned experts and specialists they will look at the use of FOSS within the non-profit sector from both an access and a content perspective. Offering participants the opportunity to explore the practical technical side of FOSS whilst providing a conceptual backdrop. Asia Source will be the first event of its kind in the region, bringing together regional non-profit professionals with a rights based focus, it will invite those from both the technical and content end of the spectrum to focus on the practical elements of FOSS deployment. Participants with a range of expertise will be provided with a space for intensive peer learning. They will be given the opportunity to develop their understanding of FOSS, learn how to select and apply alternative technologies, and be provided with the skills and tools to utilise this within the context of their daily work. They will also be encouraged to explore the challenges and the future potential of FOSS adoption within the social context. During this 'camp' style event, participants will take part in a range of sessions. From planning and helping an NGO to migrate to FOSS, to sharing tips and techniques on using FOSS tools for content development, advocacy and campaigning. In parallel to this they will look beneath user-level scenarios, and break-down tricky issues such as localisation techniques and how to develop total cost of ownership models. Four themes will flow throughout the event 1. 'FLOSSophy' for NGOs 2. Migration and Access 3. Tools for content and communication 4. Localisation Asia Source will be held in a small artists community on the outskirts of Bangalore. Its aim is to become a community building event, with the potential to seed connections and future partnerships across borders and between skillsets. The event is co-organised by Mahiti.org (Bangalore) and the Tactical Technology Collective (Amsterdam). The event is guided by an advisory board of established non-profit and FOSS professionals from across the South and South East Asian region. Asia Source belongs to a larger family of Source Events that seek to increase the viability of FOSS use by the non-profit sector. Other source events have taken place in South East Europe, Southern Africa and are planned in 2005 in Western Africa. For more information please visit http://www.tacticaltech.org/asiasource or http://www.mahiti.org/asiasource Participants will be selected by the advisory board based on their interest and experiences. There will be a small registration fee for the event. A limited number of travel and registration fee scholarships will be available and may be applied for on application. If you have any questions please write to asiasource@tacticaltech.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asia Source: Application Form -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send the application to asiasource@tacticaltech.org. The deadline for sending applications is 19th of November 2004. We will confirm receipt of the application immediately and will ask you to check and reserve (if you do not have to pay for this) your flight to Bangalore, India. We will also ask people who need visas to check how they can apply for it. As we have limited space and funds, we cannot accept all participant applications and cannot reimburse the expenses for all of them. Between the 19th of November and 3rd of December 2004 we will personally inform each applicant by email if we are able to invite him/her and in some cases reimburse expenses. Dates:- Asia Source is a week-long meeting, to be held January 28th - February 4th 2005 in Bangalore, India. If you would like to participate, you will need to attend the entire event, which means arriving in Bangalore on or before January 27th and leaving on or after February 5th. Fees and subsidies:- Participants will arrange for their own travel to Bangalore, India. Once there, transport to the venue from the airport in Bangalore will be provided. All meals and accommodation during the meeting will be provided, for the modest participation fee of US$ 75. There are a limited number of participation fee subsidies available to cover this US$ 75 for those who are not able to raise the funds. Travel subsidies are also available for participants who would not otherwise be able to attend the meeting. Please apply as soon as possible for subsidies as there availability is limited. Who should attend? This is an event for experienced professionals actively working with the non-profit sector in South and South East Asian countries. To be eligible to attend, you will need to answer the questions below, providing detailed information about projects you have worked on. The application deadline is November 19th, 2004. We are interested in all kinds of non-profit and technical experience, but areas of particular focus will include the following: 1. Localisation and multi-language projects 2. The use of technology within monitoring or campaigning projects 3. The use of technology for organising and collaborating 4. Audio/video, streaming media and/or radio 5. Innovative use of technology within non-profit projects 6. Experience deploying FOSS operating systems or applications Demonstrating that you have worked on projects in one or more of the above areas will make your application stronger. All participants at Asia Source are required to be proficient desktop users of computers, have been involved in at least one NGO/technology project before and to have an existing awareness of the concept of Free and Open Source Software. Applications from women are highly encouraged by the event organisers. Application Questions:- Please answer the following questions. You do not need to write long responses, but please provide us with enough information to understand your skills and interests, and to have a sense of why you want to attend Asia Source and what you can contribute to the event. Please provide answers to all the following questions. 1) Basic personal information: a. Name: b. Gender: c. Nationality: d. Country where you live and work now: e. E-mail address: f. Telephone and emergency contact number(s): g. Anything else we should know about you (allergies, diet, medical condition, special needs): h. Do you need a visa to come to India? 2) What is your experience of working with non-profit organisations/the voluntary sector. What kinds of projects and initiatives have you worked on? 3) Have you been involved with any technology projects for non-profit or civil society organizations? If so please briefly explain them. 4) Where are you from, where do you live now, and what is your current professional affiliation (organization you work for, mission of the organization, position you have in the organization, is your organization a non-profit, etc.)? 5) Please describe your current technical expertise and ability. 6) Why are you interested in attending Asia Source; what do you hope to learn? 7) Asia Source participants are encouraged to teach as well as to learn. What tutorials, development sessions or discussions would you like to lead (or help lead)? 8) Will you need to receive a participation fee subsidy in order to attend Asia Source? If so, please explain why. 9) Will you need to receive a travel subsidy in order to attend Asia Source? If so, please explain why and estimate how much your round-trip travel to Bangalore will cost. Sunil Abraham sunil@apdip.net http://www.iosn.net Manager - International Open Source Network UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme Wisma UN, Block C Kompleks Pejabat Damansara. Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights. 50490 Kuala Lumpur. P. O. Box 12544, 50782, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: (60) 3-2091-5167, Fax: (60) 3-2095-2087 Mob: (60) 1-6311-1330
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.