Physics in the City, Eastwood, Jan 15

| philippines

As Rick posted on PLUG:

The organizers of the Physics in the City on Jan. 15
at Eastwood City have lined up a very interesting list
of activities (appended). The talks and demos would be
very interesting to your elementary or high school
kids. Take time out to bring them there – you may have
a scientist in your home just waiting to be

Bonus track: fireworks at 7 pm, for those like me who
are fireworks afficionados.



Morning Activities

– Opening Program, Auditorium, 10-10:20am
– Einstein Lecture, Auditorium, 10:20-11am
– Demos, presentations, exhibits, magic tricks, coffee table talks, Central Plaza, Cybermall, Citywalk 2, 11am-12noon

Afternoon Activities

– Demos, presentations, exhibits, magic tricks, coffee table talks, Central Plaza, Cybermall, Citywalk 2, 12noon-6pm

Evening Activities

– Open forum on the environment and astronomy, Central Plaza, 6-7pm
– Fireworks, Grand Staircase 7-7:30pm
– Demos, presentations, exhibits, magic tricks, coffee table talks, Central Plaza, Cybermall, Citywalk 2, 7:30-10pm

Waaah. Forget about kids. _I_ really want to go. WAAAAH.

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