Calling all Ateneo programming competition alumni

March 18, 2005 is graduation day of the Loyola Schools, Ateneo de Manila
University. Many past and present members of the Ateneo ACM
programming teams will graduate on this day. We will miss them in
ACM-Manila 2005 and in future programming contests, but we shall
never forget the beautiful experiences that we shared, during practices
and at the actual contests.

We are inviting all past and present members of the Ateneo ACM
programming teams, whether graduating, not graduating, or already
graduated, from batches 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2004, and all the
faculty coaches, secretaries, and the DISCS chair, to join us in a pictorial
at 3:15 pm on March 18, 2005, at the graduation assembly area, at the
Ateneo High School. Graduating members and faculty will please
wear their academic gown. Present team members will please wear
their team jackets. Those who have already graduated please come in
semi-formal clothes.

I am making this announcement early, so that you can plan to make
yourself free at 3:15 pm on graduation day.

Thank you. See you there!


E-Mail from Pablo Manalastas