PCS cancels Digital Pinay contest, cites violent reactions

| digitalpinay, issues, philippines, women

Check out Philippine Computer Society cancels ‘Digital Pinay' tilt for PCS' announcement.

Asked what he has learned from the experience, Querubin said:
“Well, actually a lot. One is that people really think differently.
I was very surprised at the public briefing that some people
apparently feel that others don?t have the right to use a word
[such as] ?digital? differently from the way they use it.

Hmm. Apparently, they managed to annoy more than just
us crazy bloggers. Who'd
have thought?

The organizers added that threats to splash acid on the contestants
and flood the contest's e-mail address with spurious application
forms, also contributed to their decision to cancel the event.

Splashing acid on contestants isn't our kind of thing, although the
_organizers_, now… *ahem*. No, no, we're not into physical damage.
We'd be happy to flood their e-mail box or otherwise inconvenience PCS,
but we don't cross over into meatspace. Definitely some other angry group. What fun.

Asked what he has learned from the experience, Querubin said:
“Well, actually a lot. One is that people really think differently.
I was very surprised at the public briefing that some people
apparently feel that others don't have the right to use a word
[such as] “digital” differently from the way they use it.

Now that is a rather strong spin.

I know the people who went to the public briefing. They're nice, rational people who were willing
to give PCS a chance. We might not like the way PCS just throws around the word “digital”, but we
said it might be very misleading, not completely wrong for PCS to use.

That's probably just because we’re more in tune with geeks today than they are.

Anyway, good riddance to that Digital Pinay thing. I hope they go back
to focusing on the national programming contest, and I hope they do it
better this time. I did that schtick throughout high school. Great
experience, although PCS screwed up every now and then too.

(Psst! They have a professional category! Reunion, anyone?)

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