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I find it difficult to trust dermatologists.

I mean, really. Now there's a good business opportunity: captive
self-selected audience, little real differentiation between goods but
artifically different prices, branding _all_ _over_ but no ingredients
list or anything that can help you go for generics

And you get to tap into one of the seven deadly sins, too.

I don't know. Maybe it's just a mild but healthy distrust of
situations where you end up buying from the same person giving you

Unfortunately, I don't know if we count any dermatologists among our
family friends. I'd feel more comfortable with someone who saw me as
more than a walk-in customer.

イヌとは対照的に、ネコはごく最近になって飼いならされたものである。 In
contrast to the dog, the cat has become domesticated only in recent