Not the only one
| issues, philippinesIt's great to know that I'm not the only one who thinks loving one's
country isn't passe. From a chat with
Hey Sacha! How are things in Canada? I just read your entry on coming back home to the Philippines. Very very very positive attitude! If more progressive people like you (and me!) thought more about what we can do for this country than merely what it can do for us, I'm sure it wouldn't be in the rut it is now. We have a lot of work to do, but as early as now, brava! :) Awww... =) Things are fine in Canada, although I _really_ need to find other Filipinos who care about the Philippines and don't go on and on about the Good Life here or say things like "You know, I was also patriotic when I was young..." Yeah. I read the "Walang Kwenta Ang Pilipinas" email that's been going around. I couldn't finish it because I found that it just said too much of the obvious and the wrong. We all know we're in a rut, and just writing about the rut we're in doesn't solve things. Your blog entry, though short, inspired me. Knowing that I have like-minded colleagues like you give me the strength to continue standing up for this country, amidst the exodus of professionals and the shit that our politicians just keep ramming down our throats. I hope you find more like-minded people there. The feeling of being the only one can be very discouraging.
Ka Edong of Technobiography
also wrote, “There's a lot to be done for the Philippines. We do what
we can.”
Awww. =)
I want to find other Filipinos in Toronto who are passionate about
nationbuilding and who believe we can do something even from this
I know people like that can exist outside the country. I mean, if
MIT has enough people to start MIT PESO,
why not UToronto?
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