Planning the week

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Last week’s plans

  • Lab report: Due Friday. Write up results tomorrow, sketch discussion

We finished the lab report with some time to spare, although the
discussion part took us a while. Antony’s great as a lab partner, and
working on a lab report in pairs is much more fun than writing parts

  • DSS: Monday: prepare clustering lab for Weka, prepare new project

I decided not to go into the clustering features of Weka, focusing
instead on decision trees. I posted the second project and tried it
out, so I know that it’s pretty straightforward. I had an oops-my-bad
moment: forgot to tell them about the handouts, so they had a hard
time following along in the lab. How embarrassing.

  • Research: collect tagging information in my wiki

I’m getting into the hang of reading academic papers. I need to step
up the pace, though, as the end of the term is coming soon.

  • Enggpsych: Get further sources for powergrid story, revise chapter 4

I didn’t get to work on this. I should concentrate on this paper
because the end of the term is coming soon, and I’ll be very busy
marking DSS stuff.

  • Social: Get started on my Christmas cards, make birthday present for Michael

Haven’t started on the Christmas cards yet. Had fun at Michael’s party, though.

Last week’s highlights: bonding

Last week was all about having fun with people. Ubuntu talk on
Tuesday, breakfast on Wednesday, meeting Wednesday night, roommates
party Thursday night and Friday night, and Mike’s party on Saturday

It wasn’t all play, though. ;) I got into the rhythm of reading
papers, and the bookmarklet I wrote for posting stuff to my research
wiki was useful. Labs for the decision support systems class were hard
to prepare, but I’m surviving somehow. I wrote a lot: a lab report, a
couple of quick reflections, Planner newbie guides, and two
ShortStories. I’m getting there!

Plans for next week

  • DSS: Show very basic JESS demo, which I practiced already. Check projects. (Argh.)
  • Research: Read 10 more papers and then start drafting my reading paper.
  • Engg psych: Look up sources for the powergrid story and make an outline for my paper.
  • Social: Temporarily on hold. May get around to Christmas letter.
  • Toastmasters: Speech #7 about becoming an expert