Looking for a new web host for Adphoto
| adphotoThe .ph domain will be a hassle to update (maybe we should just get
that delegated?), but it might be worth switching to a new web host.
I need PHP, MySQL, mail hosting, FTP access, 1 GB storage, and
shell access. Python and Perl support would be really fun. Ruby would
make me thrilled. I plan to set up a tagged photoblog / photographers'
We're currently paying ~ USD 8 / month. I'd prefer to keep money in
the Philippines, and most of our traffic comes from the Philippines
anyway. Know of any locally-hosted servers? If not, I'll probably go
for http://www.site5.com/hosting/comparison.php .
You can comment with Disqus or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.