Wild on winter

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The free fireworks show at Nathan Phillips Square was totally awesome,
and dragging friends out there was a terrific idea. Thanks to Steve,
Stefan and Mike for humoring me on such short notice! =) Too bad James
couldn't make it, but he definitely wanted to join us next time.

(I really, really should make a password-protected wiki to help my
friends and family back home keep all these people straight in their
heads. =) )

Wish the JGL could've been there. I miss my friends from home! But
it's nice making sure that the other students enjoy Toronto as well.
I've figured it out. I might just stay in my room and surf if I'm by
myself, but now that I know that people out there are like that and
won't get to experience Toronto well unless I drag them
out… <grin>

I prepared some hot chocolate for my friends as we chatted in the
common room. I showed them the airmail packet and told them how my mom
sent me the chocolate with hankies and lots of love when she heard how
homesick I was. They all went “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…”

And my reading is going well, too! Now that I've figured out that I'm
interested in “communities of practice”, I've turned up a _gazillion_
papers to read about knowledge management and the spread of
information… I really like writing my thoughts down in that
notebook, and I'm starting to get enough material to want to write a
blog post or mini-lit-search on knowledge management in communities of
practice. Another interesting topic would be inferencing communities
from bookmarks and other shared resources. Anyway, we'll see.

The temperature may be going down, but life is looking up.