Not alone

| friends, goodkarma, happy

I really do live here – perhaps not permanently, but I do. I know
because I have friends who know that I am less than perfect and not
always happy, but who are my friends anyway. Deep thanks go to Calum,
who joined me for dinner even though he doesn't like Indian food,
Steve, who scolded me for not calling him earlier, and many, many
others who would have undoubtedly picked me up, dusted me off and set
me on my feet, had I just asked (or perhaps even just looked a little

In particular, thanks to Calum for reminding me that the more I learn,
the more I can share with others. This is not the time for me to worry
about what to do for the world. This is the time for me to absorb as
much as I can from it, and do whatever goodness I can along the way.

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