CHI2006 schedule

Mon |1030 1100 Newcomers' orientation – room 511ABCD
Mon 1130 1600 Faceted metadata for information architecture and search – 513AB
Mon 1430 1600 Social computing 1 510ABCD
Mon 1630 1800 Personal information management – 516C
Mon 1830 2000 Grand opening! Don't miss.
Tue 1130 1300 Understanding programs and interfaces, 516C
Tue 1430 1600 SIG: Assessing and improving information usability 515C
Wed 0900 1030 Add a dash of interface: Taking mash-ups to the next level – room 517AB
Wed 1120 1300 Panel: Why do tagging systems work? – room 517AB
Wed 1430 1600 Privacy 2 Room 511ABDE
Wed 1630 1800 Visualization 2 510ABCD
Thu 0900 1030 Tips and tricks for better usability test recommendations 515C
Thu 1430 1600 Designing responsive software despite performance limitations 513D

Argh. What happened? I thought I'd arranged a conflict-free
schedule… Aiyah. Well, if I have to, I'll pick up the materials and
attend the first part of the faceted metadata talk, then sneak out
during the middle to attend the social computing talk. Yup, that would

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