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Mike Tsang and I went to the Mediatheque at 150 John Street to see the
International Dance Day Film Festival. Unfortunately, we only caught the
tail end of the films. It was interesting listening to the artists
talk about their work, though.

The Mediatheque is a totally awesome place. I watched a few animated
shorts and experimental films. Mike made sure I watched Ryan, a deep
piece about a famous artist who ended up as a Montreal panhandler.
Excellent use of computer graphics to tell a very thought-provoking

I'll go back there by myself to watch some of the longer, deeper
pieces. Mike searched for all the Philippine-related things, and I'm
particularly looking forward to the documentary about Filipino migrant
workers. Television can be somewhat insipid, but these on-demand
documentaries, experimental films, and archived footage are certainly
worth spending time on.

It's amazing, what's available for free…