DemoCamp afterparty

| connecting, democamp

I couldn't make it to DemoCamp proper, but I caught the
afterparty at Molly Bloom's. I checked all the tables for people I'd
been meaning to ping and say hi to, but I was just starving, so I
spent far too much time waiting for food and then gulping it down.
Next time, I should bring along a little snack or some dried mangoes
so that I can get my energy fix and postpone dinner.

Lots of interesting conversations, though, and lots of role models.
I'll try to follow up with them over the next few days. I brought my
little black book, of course, and it was fun seeing everyone else with
Moleskines. (They're like Macs among the geek crowd, only more
portable. ;) )

Note to self: either learn shorthand or learn how to write more

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