Linux Caffe

| friends

I had coffee – well, hot chocolate and green tea – with Simon at Linux
Caffe. David and Seneca were there, which meant that I not only got to
donate my Linux Journal issues, but also lend my molinillo to David
for his chocolate-making experiments. We had a lot of fun listening to
Seneca show off the awesome use of Trac to keep track of their recipes
and other cafe-related information (in a version control system! with
request tracking!). We also chatted about education, service, phone
systems, databases, and other cool things.

We stayed late into the night, two or three hours past the official
closing time. David brought out some brown rice tea and slightly
confused croissants. I left a hefty tip – more than what I paid for
the chocolate and the tea, actually – but hey, I believe in what
they're doing and I think they're really cool. =) Besides, that hot
chocolate was really nice. Way better than Second Cup, in my book.

On the way back to GH, we ran into other people we knew. Simon
introduced me to Roger, whose home renovation has turned out to be
quite a project. I ran into Steve, too, and did a few quick
introductions. =)

I love conversation and the company of friends. Hooray for random acts
of kindnesses and a wonderful universe!

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