Of BarCamp and conversations

| barcamp, toronto

People who have never been to a BarCamp
probably have no idea what to expect from this un-conference. In fact,
I get the feeling that the BarCamp *I* go to is very different
from the BarCamp that everyone else goes to, even if we're all going to BarCampEarthToronto.

I think my way is cool, and I think you should try it out. =) Here's
what I get out of BarCamp and why I think it's tons of fun.

For me, BarCamp is all about conversation. I start with the
assumption that as a whole, everyone else knows more than I do about
anything I want to talk about. My sessions are not presentations, but
roundtable discussions. I'll structure them a little bit to give
people something to work with, like the way I talked a little bit
about Enterprise 2.0 or shared some of my networking tips. The value
of the session doesn't come from me, though, but from the

My job is not to tell people answers, but to share a few stories and
ask lots of questions. I turn Q & A onto its head by saving more time
for questions than for speaking, and asking more questions than I

This also allows me to adapt to people's interests on the fly. In the
middle of hallway conversation, I've said, “Hey, I'd love to have a
larger conversation about this,” run off to find a marker, and then
added the session to the grid. I think it's okay not to be an expert
on something just yet, to not have a slick well-rehearsed

I think this is so much more fun than treating BarCamp as a
self-organizing series of traditional presentations. I'd rather say,
“I feel like talking about ____” and see who else wants to.

Conversation. For me, BarCamp is all about starting
conversations. It's fun following up with people, too. Just finished a
BBQ with a few people I met at BarCampEarthToronto – that was
great fun!

I'll blog about this more when I'm more coherent, but yeah. Conversation.

You can comment with Disqus or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.