Emacs: Animation in presentations
| democamp, emacs… and because this is just so endearingly old-school and crazily
Emacs, here's what's going to be my title “slide” for DemoCamp10.
(progn (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 700) (delete-other-windows) (sit-for 1) (animate-sequence (list "Livin' la Vida Emacs" "DemoCamp10" "Sacha Chua") 1))
I may end up writing a presentation mode if there isn't one yet. I've
seen one before, but I don't know if it accepts arbitrary Lisp
expressions. Maybe I can mess around with eev, too..
Comment from pll:
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's just SOOOOOO cool, and hysterical. I've got
to steal^H^H^H^H^Hborrow this hack. I've been toying with the idea
for a while of doing a “Life with Emacs” talk for my LUG. What a
perfect opening :)
Noufal Ibrahim
2012-09-17T09:19:41ZI did the something similar for the emacsmovies.org screencast titles. Good to know that I'm not the only one who does stuff like this. :)
Sacha Chua
2012-09-17T10:13:57ZFull source code, for your amusement. =)