Excited about my DemoCamp presentation!
| democamp, emacsI've written a totally small-time presentation thingy that cues me thanks to Emacspeak. ;) Here's the setup code:
(progn ;; Setup (defvar democamp/presentation-file "~/democamp.el") (defvar democamp/cue-buffer "*DemoCamp*") (defun democamp/next () (interactive) (let (start sexp) (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect democamp/presentation-file) (setq start (point)) (forward-sexp) (setq sexp (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point)))) (eval (read sexp)))) (defun democamp/previous () (interactive) (let (start sexp) (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect democamp/presentation-file) (setq start (point)) (backward-sexp) (setq sexp (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) start))) (eval (read sexp)))) (defun democamp/repeat () (interactive) (let (start sexp) (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect democamp/presentation-file) (setq start (point)) (backward-sexp) (setq sexp (buffer-substring (point) start)) (forward-sexp)) (eval (read sexp)))) (defun democamp/say (text) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create democamp/cue-buffer) (erase-buffer) (insert text) (goto-char (point-min)) (call-interactively 'emacspeak-speak-buffer))) (global-set-key (kbd "") 'democamp/next) (global-set-key (kbd "S- ") 'democamp/previous) (global-set-key (kbd "C- ") 'democamp/repeat) )
Random Emacs symbol: gnus-multiple-choice – Function: Ask user a multiple choice question.
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