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I'm starting to get the hang of using my Moleskine notebook to keep
track of people I need to send information to, and people are starting
to rely on the fact that I'm generally good at followup.

Last night's Halloween parties were terrific. I met lots of
interesting people at Choco Sol (720 Bathurst St, my new favorite
chocolate place). Looking forward to getting to know them better.

I slept at four in the morning and got up after noon today. After
catching up with my Moleskine and my contact records, I worked on my
progress report for IBM, and it turns out that I've gotten a fair bit
done… =)

Tonight, I might have a Hack Night. I might as well sit down and learn
how to do Google Maps mashups and everything. =) Although Roger's
around, so plans might change. We'll see.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting John Oxley, head of
community evanglism for Microsoft Canada. I'm looking forward to
learning more about what technology evangelists / advisors do, and
what skills I need to develop to beocome a really really really good
candidate! =)

Random Emacs symbol: bbdb-message-cache – Variable: alist of (MESSAGE-KEY BBDB-RECORDS) cached in order to avoid updating