Christmas letter prioritization
| connectingHmm. The prospect of sending a Christmas letter / annual report to
500+ people is a little overwhelming. Granted, some of those are
getting-back-in-touch letters. I'm going to have to prioritize people
into must-send and optional. I will still be addressing the letters by
hand, after all!
I think I'll write out my letter long-hand and have it photocopied. I
think I'll lay out a few pictures or perhaps use my icon or a malong
pic – something that will photocopy well in black and white. No sense
in just printing the darn thing. Too boring. I may as well e-mail it,
but there's no point in that, either. ;)
I might also have to divide this into stuff to send from the US/Canada
and stuff to send from the Philippines.
Okay. There are around a hundred people I *really* should mail or else
I will be a delinquent friend… Mindboggling, isn't that?
I'm going to have to e-mail people tomorrow to confirm their postal
addresses. Emacs to the rescue, you bet!
Random Emacs symbol: w3m-http-url-path – Function: Path of the HTTP-URL.