The universe does not tolerate a chocolate deficiency

| sad

I was feeling down because of the lack of progress on my thesis and
because I felt that I didn’t have control over some things that
mattered to me. I talked to my dad (see earlier blog post). Not only
did he solve my immediate problem of Internet access, but he also took
me to my favorite deli and treated me to my favorite lasagna, then
took me to Max Brenner (a high-end chocolate bar) and bought me the
best classic dark chocolate cocoa powder you can find in Manila.

I hadn’t talked to my mom about it, though. She must’ve either read my
blog or listened to the universe telling her I felt sad (parents have
a sixth sense for these things!), because she also bought me several
different kinds of chocolate mix, this time for Spanish-style hot

Nature abhors a vacuum, I guess. The universe will not tolerate a
chocolate deficiency… =)

Happy girl. And when I’m happy, it’s so much easier to learn stuff. I
got almost all my AJAX/Rails to-learns finished today!

Random Emacs symbol: calendar-setup – Variable: The frame setup of the calendar.

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