Book triage

| reading

Okay. 31 books. 15 days. Plus all the writing I still need to do. I
may have made a bit of a miscalculation. No problem, it’s the library,
I can always renew or request books.

The only books I probably won’t be able to renew are

  • Open an Online Business in 10 Days
  • Money Can Buy Happiness
  • The Mid-Career Success Guide
  • Make Your Contacts Count (2nd ed)
  • How to Photograph Absolutely Everything

(Yes, I wander all over…)

I can do that. =)

One of these days, I’m going to revise my OPAC reminder script to also
automatically deactivate all of my requests once I go over a certain
number of books… ;)

Random Emacs symbol: table-narrow-cell – Command: Narrow the current cell by N columns and shrink the cell horizontally.

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