Chapter 6: Being Big Brother (plan)
| emacs, wickedcoolemacsI haven’t been writing about Emacs lately. Here’s my outline so that you can help keep me honest. =) My next chapter is about the Big Brother Database (BBDB) and contact management in Emacs, which is one of the things that made people laugh when I showed my Emacs configuration at DemoCamp in Toronto. Anyway, here’s what I’m planning to write about:
Chapter 6: Being Big Brother (30 pages)
- Why use Emacs to manage your contacts?
What is BBDB? - Project xxx: Set up BBDB
Project xxx: Import contacts: CSV, card
Project xxx: Create a record
Project xxx: Search records - Mail
Project xxx: Integrate BBDB with Mail
Project xxx: Notice e-mail changes
Project xxx: Filter mail according to record
Project xxx: Categorize contacts with mail aliases
Project xxx: Personalize greetings
Project xxx: Personalize signatures
Project xxx: Mail merge
Project xxx: Track last contact - Filtering records
Project xxx: Show a phone list
Project xxx: Show an address list
Project xxx: Show no contact since
Project xxx: Show tag queries
Project xxx: Remember birthdays - More data
Project xxx: Snarf records
Project xxx: Add pictures
Project xxx: Export contacts
Project xxx: Synchronize contacts
Project xxx: Synchronize with LinkedIn
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