Jetlag-assisted wakefulness

| travel

I was out like a light last night at maybe 8:00 or so. Jetlag. Today I woke up at 3:30. I meant to stay in bed until at least 4:00, but I felt time slipping past, and I wanted to do something with it. That’s okay. Maybe I can turn this into a jetlag-assisted early-morning wakeup. I hear many productive writers wake up really early, write, and then go about the rest of the day.

I spent most of yesterday putting together a photo book. There were many memories omitted because we didn’t take pictures. I may work on something a little more verbose some other time. Still, it’s not a bad first photo book. There, that’s one new thing I did this week that I’ve never done before.

What are my goals for this week?

  • I need to finish and rehearse the two talks I’ll be giving over the next two weeks.
  • I need to prepare for all the networking opportunities by having business cards printed and by getting a card scanner.
  • I need to finish my article on personal finance with ledger.
  • I want to develop a blogging plan for the various blogs I need to contribute to.
  • I want to write about 4000 words for my book. My goal is to finish the raw material for the chapter on BBDB.
  • I want to exercise first thing every morning, slowly inching up what I can do. I’m keeping track of my progress on a chart in the kitchen.

That should be enough for starters. =)

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