Web 2.0 @ Work: Creating a professional profile
Posted: - Modified: | connecting, web2.0, wordpressDo you have a professional website, or do you just leave your professional profile up to random Internet search results or sparse corporate directory listings?
Although we have a terrific centralized corporate directory at IBM, I’ve found it very useful to also have a simple professional profile with a short biography, my contact information, and links to the other services I use on the intranet and on the Internet. Having one site that brings all of these things together makes it easier for me to help people get to know who I am, what I’m passionate about, and where they can find out more about me. I include this URL in my e-mail signature and in my presentations so that people can find me easily.
I use WordPress as a content management system so that I can quickly add links and pages without editing HTML. On my internal site, I use the Blueprint theme for WordPress. It’s clean and easy to read, and it fits with Big Blue’s color scheme. The front page explains who I am, what I do, and what my team does. It also links to places where people can check out my bookmarks, download my latest presentations, and so on.
To set up something like it:
- Download and install WordPress.
- Download and unpack the Blueprint theme to your wp-content/themes/ directory.
- Choose the Blueprint theme from the WordPress administration interface.
- Create a page called “About”. Fill it in with details about yourself.
- Set the About page as your site’s front page in the Settings – Reading menu.
- Create links to your profiles on other services and other related websites.
Sacha Chua
2008-09-16T08:01:45ZHello Sacha.
Very impressed by your about-me presentation on slideshare. Then directed to your professional website.
Very good job.
At first I thought your site is also on Drupal. and was happy to see the friendfeed add-in the right.
Nopes, then I realised, you are on Wordpress. Actually, I have had recommendations to switch to wordpress for my personal website.
I would be pleased if you could had a look at it and drop some advise, if possible
thanks and best regards,
Sacha Chua
2008-09-16T08:03:27Z=) Glad you liked the presentation!
I like Drupal for community websites and content management systems. Wordpress is easy for getting a blog up and running, though, and there are probably more blog-related plugins for Wordpress. The WP interface is also somewhat easier for blogging. I know people who are very happy with their Drupal sites, though, so you can definitely use that to blog instead. It all depends on what you enjoy, I guess!
Sacha Chua
2008-09-16T08:10:30ZI'm glad to see you have a site! =) I hope you mention it in your e-mail signature - great way to connect with people.
The key thing that would make a difference for you, I think, is if you went out there and read and wrote as much as you could. Read good bloggers and good writers so that you can learn more about how to express yourself, and write so that you get into the habit of writing.
I'd probably move the login form down unless you really have people logging in, as most people probably won't use it. I'd also suggest replacing your Flash home page with the latest posts from your blog, as the links to the different parts of your site are already available through the header. Text is more readable when you use short lines instead of long, so you might want to think about making your content area narrower and then either leaving the rest of the space as whitespace or putting in a sidebar.
... but that's just my opinion. =) Look around and you'll figure out which sites you like, which sites you don't like, and what the differences are. Good luck and have fun!
A personal site is a fantastic tool for anyone, but especially for students. Keep adding good material to it, and it'll really help you.