Please vote for my about-me/sitemap slideshow on Slideshare!

| drupal, emacs, sketches

Only 7 days left for the Slideshare World’s Best Presentation Contest, and I’d love it if y’all came out and voted for my about-me presentation–if only because I found a way to fit both Drupal and Emacs into my rhyming self-introduction! =)

It’s only one minute and 25 seconds, and it’ll probably make you smile. Plus, it’s a (mostly) working sitemap, and how cool is that? ;) The prize for this category is an iPod Touch, which (if I win it) I will promptly put to good use. After all, if I used my Nintendo DS to make a presentation, what might I do with something like the iPod Touch? ;)

Honorable mention would get me a copy of Presentation Zen book, which I liked so much I bought it already, so I’d be happy to raffle it off and keep just the warm and fuzzy feelings that my fledgling sketching and writing skills got noticed. Want it? Leave a comment on this entry (just one comment is fine), and I’ll pick a random commenter if I win the book.

In addition to either blog posts about doing interesting things with the iPod Touch or a chance at winning a free book, you’ll also get the satisfaction of supporting a geek in an area dominated by graphic designers. =) (Not that graphic designers can’t be geeks, of course.)

Anyway, please vote for my presentation! =) Voting ends on July 31, 2008.

World’s Best Presentation Contest

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