Ideas for making my work more effective and efficient, creating value, and rocking my work

| ibm, idea, work
  1. Change to Ubuntu
  2. Set up virtual machine for my Windows partition
  3. Use Emacs to handle my mail? Hard to do calendar acceptance
  4. Set up regular backups
  5. Resize Windows partition
  6. Clean up my Firefox extensions
  7. Clean my keyboard
  8. Set up personal or team bugtracker – not needed, projects have ClearQuest
  9. Set up website with talks
  10. Improve visual communication skills by practicing illustrating Enterprise 2.0 concepts
  11. Improve random information management tools – book quotes, stories, etc.
  12. Add automated testing framework to projects
  13. Uninstall unneeded programs
  14. Set up IE5 on Linux
  15. Move orangechair blog to Slicehost
  16. Convert orangechar blog to Drupal
  17. Set my desktop background to my work goals sketch
  18. Set up an easy way to crosspost Enterprise 2.0 sites
  19. Figure out team’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT)
  20. Write an article on Enterprise 2.0 for managers
  21. Guestblog.
  22. Organize a teleconference with an external speaker.
  23. Build a conference tool
  24. Write a well-researched blog post for orangechair
  25. Post a book review – Generation Blend?
  26. Help write a book
  27. Help plan our menu of services
  28. Help IBM partners and account teams learn more about Drupal
  29. Organize other IBM Drupal developers into a community
  30. Do SWOT analysis for IBM and Drupal development
  31. Develop more IBM Drupal extensions
  32. Record a vidcast or slidecast about Enterprise 2.0
  33. Summarize resources
  34. Segregate my blog topics a bit more, making it easier for people to read Enterprise 2.0-related news
  35. Organize IBM Web 2.0 for Business resources
  36. Publish newsletter
  37. Build aggregator for community
  38. Build IBM voices aggregator
  39. Help draw vision for smarter planet
  40. Ask my network for help in identifying potential clients.
  41. Create blog alerts for Enterprise 2.0 topics
  42. .. and more!
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