Ideas for making my work more effective and efficient, creating value, and rocking my work
| ibm, idea, workChange to Ubuntu- Set up virtual machine for my Windows partition
- Use Emacs to handle my mail? Hard to do calendar acceptance
- Set up regular backups
Resize Windows partitionClean up my Firefox extensionsClean my keyboardSet up personal or team bugtracker– not needed, projects have ClearQuest- Set up website with talks
- Improve visual communication skills by practicing illustrating Enterprise 2.0 concepts
- Improve random information management tools – book quotes, stories, etc.
Add automated testing framework to projectsUninstall unneeded programsSet up IE5 on Linux- Move orangechair blog to Slicehost
- Convert orangechar blog to Drupal
Set my desktop background to my work goals sketchSet up an easy way to crosspost Enterprise 2.0 sites- Figure out team’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT)
- Write an article on Enterprise 2.0 for managers
- Guestblog.
- Organize a teleconference with an external speaker.
- Build a conference tool
- Write a well-researched blog post for orangechair
- Post a book review – Generation Blend?
- Help write a book
- Help plan our menu of services
- Help IBM partners and account teams learn more about Drupal
- Organize other IBM Drupal developers into a community
- Do SWOT analysis for IBM and Drupal development
- Develop more IBM Drupal extensions
- Record a vidcast or slidecast about Enterprise 2.0
- Summarize resources
- Segregate my blog topics a bit more, making it easier for people to read Enterprise 2.0-related news
- Organize IBM Web 2.0 for Business resources
- Publish newsletter
- Build aggregator for community
- Build IBM voices aggregator
- Help draw vision for smarter planet
- Ask my network for help in identifying potential clients.
- Create blog alerts for Enterprise 2.0 topics
- .. and more!
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