My Drupal Makefile
| drupalAs promised, a scrubbed version of my Drupal Makefile.
I customize it for different testing or production environments with .mk files (ex: that contain the variables from the top part of the Makefile. These files are automatically included in this Makefile. Benefits: I don’t have to commit my database password to the source code tree, and I don’t have to think about which environment I’m in.
I use “make cycle” and “make mysql” a lot. “make cycle” depends on Drush being set up properly, and patched to allow you to update all the modules from the command-line.
I think this works for the Drush update command:
function drush_tools_update($command = '') { global $user; ob_start(); require_once 'includes/'; include_once('update.php'); $ret = ob_get_contents(); drupal_load_updates(); ob_end_clean(); $user = user_load(array('uid' => 1)); $list = module_list(); $update_list = array(); foreach ($list as $module) { $updates = drupal_get_schema_versions($module); if ($updates !== FALSE) { $latest = 0; $base = drupal_get_installed_schema_version($module); foreach ($updates as $update) { if ($update > $base) { if ($update > $latest) { $latest = $update; } $update_list[$module][] = $update; } } if ($latest) { sort($update_list[$module]); printf("%-30s %5d -> %5d (%s)\n", $module, $base, $latest, join(', ', $update_list[$module])); } else { printf("%-30s %5d\n", $module, $base); } } } if (count($update_list) == 0) return; if ($command != 'force' && !drush_confirm(t('Do you really want to continue?'))) { drush_die('Aborting.'); } ob_start(); foreach ($update_list as $module => $versions) { foreach ($versions as $v) { print "Running " . $module . "_update_" . $v . "\n"; update_data($module, $v); } } $updates = ob_get_contents(); cache_clear_all('*', 'cache', TRUE); cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_page', TRUE); cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_menu', TRUE); cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_filter', TRUE); drupal_clear_css_cache(); ob_end_clean(); print $updates; $output = ''; print $updates; if (!empty($_SESSION['update_results'])) { $output .= "The following queries were executed:\n"; foreach ($_SESSION['update_results'] as $module => $updates) { $output .= "\n" . $module . "\n--------------------------\n"; foreach ($updates as $number => $queries) { $output .= 'Update #'. $number . ":\n"; foreach ($queries as $query) { if ($query['success']) { $output .= "SUCCESS: " . $query['query'] . "\n"; } else { $output .= "FAILURE: " . $query['query'] . "\n"; } } if (!count($queries)) { $output .= "No queries\n"; } } } $output .= "\n"; print $output; unset($_SESSION['update_results']); } }
(and you’ll need to define it in drush_tools_drush_command also).
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