My Charity Connects: The A, B, Cs, of Boomers, X, Ys, Zs: Reaching Different Generations Through Social Media

| presentation, speaking

This is a placeholder for the talk on “The A, B, Cs of Boomers, X, Ys, Zs: Reaching Different Generations Through Social Media”. I’ll update this post with recordings and notes by June 10. In the meantime, here are the slides, and some links to useful resources:

Key message: There are generational and age-related differences, but they’re not as big as you might think based on popular media, and ther eare plenty of opportunities for you to reach out and help make a difference.

Please feel free to post your questions as comments, or e-mail me ( if you’d like to learn more. I look forward to continuing the discussion!


  • Canadian Opera Company
  • Room to Read
  • Ryan’s Well
  • Toronto Public Library
  • Kiva

title: The A, B, Cs of Generations X, Y, Z (and Boomers, too): Reaching Different Generations Through Social Media) in the conference agenda

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