Social Recruiting Summit: Awesomest Job Search Ever
Posted: - Modified: | conference, presentation, speaking, web2.0UPDATE: Here’s the recording! =)
pre-session notes
This is a placeholder for “Awesomest Job Search Ever”, the talk I’m giving at the Social Recruiting Summit today at the Googleplex. It’ll eventually hold notes from the session, and if we’re lucky, a recording and a transcript as well. =)
I plan to tell the story about how I got to do what I do at IBM. The three points I want to make are:
- Because the company learned more about me through my blog, they got a great sense of who I was, what I was good at, and what mattered to me.
- Because I met so many interesting employees through their blogs and social networks, I really wanted to join the company. Relational onboarding was awesome, too.
- Because we both knew more about each other than in a normal job search, we could create new opportunities.
I want to convince recruiters to take the following actions:
- Help their companies and candidates learn how to use social media to tell stories and to connect.
- Help people connect before, during, and after their job search process.
- Look for ways to create opportunities that go beyond the typical job search.
Please feel free to leave comments with questions or further thoughts. You can also e-mail me at Looking forward to hearing from you!
UPDATE: Susan mentioned that she found one of my presentations. That’s probably this one:
The Gen Y Guide to Web 2.0 at Work
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