Grocery round-up: Toronto
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Here are the sales for the week:
- Extra lean ground beef, $2.99/lb – lasagna
- Clementines, $4.99
No Frills – 1/2 price event
- Chicken breast (skinless, bone-in club pack), $1.87/lb – Chicken Maryland
Loblaws – $1, $2, $3
- Italpasta, $1
- Chicken drumsticks or thighs, $2/lb – curry
- Lean ground beef, $2.99/lb – lasagna (see Metro)
- Marc Angelo dinner sausage, $2.99 – pasta
- Clementines, $4.99/lb (same as Metro)
- Schneiders Lunchmate Stackers, $2
- Lean ground beef, $1.99/lb – lasagna (see Loblaws and Metro)
- Maple Leaf bacon $2.99
- Live mussels $3.99 – mussels marinara
Price Chopper, $1 sale
- Campbell’s soup: chunky / ready to enjoy, $1
- 5
kglb bag of carrots or onions $1
So it looks like we’re going to do lasagna today, and Chicken Maryland and lots of curry tomorrow, plus restocking Campbells. That means passing by Loblaws and picking up everything from there on my way back from improv, assuming that their price for chicken breasts isn’t exorbitant. And if it is, we’ll just cook something else. =)
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