My talks in 2009

| presentation, speaking
  1. Totally Rocking Your Drupal Development Environment, IBM
  2. Totally Rocking Your Development Environment, DrupalCon 2009
  3. Totally Rocking Your Development Environment, Drupal Peru
  4. Totally Rocking IBM: FutureBlue and Web 2.0
  5. New Employees and a Smarter Planet (slides only)
  6. Networking outside the Traditional Office
  7. Networking outside the Firewall
  8. Making the Most of Sametime Unyte
  9. How the Web is Changing the Way We Learn – Mesh panel
  10. Get Smart with IBM Web 2.0 – GBS Tech Talk
  11. Four Generations in the Workplace: Top 10
  12. Signs of Multi-generational Issues
  13. Enterprise 2.0 and Knowledge Management
  14. Staging and Deployment Panel, DrupalCon
  15. The Read/Write Internet
  16. Awesomest Job Search Ever
  17. ABCs of Gen X, Ys, Zs – MyCharityConnects conference
  18. ABCs of Gen X, Ys, Zs (revised) – Terry Fox Foundation
  19. Totally Rocking Presentations at IBM – Extreme Blue
  20. Getting Started with LinkedIn and Twitter
  21. Leveraging social media for Innovation Discovery
  22. Key Trends in Web Channel Delivery (EDC)
  23. Travel scenarios
  24. IBM TLE: IBMillennials (NA, AP)
  25. The Teacher’s Guide to Web 2.0 at School
  26. The Shy Connector (slides only)
  27. Smarter Work (slides only)
  28. IBM TLE: Remote Presentations That Rock

I delivered my presentations to about 1,300 people and reached about 35,000 additional viewers online. I didn’t do a lot of big conferences this year (minimizing travel!), but I accepted the occasional invitation. Still… that’s a lot of work, and a lot of reach.

Many of my presentations are externally available at . Please feel free to contact me if you want to find out about other sessions!

Wow. Without really planning to, I achieved my target of having, on average, a talk every other week. Although really, this was more like several weeks of back-to-back talks and some weeks of rest…

Compare with my talks from 2008:

  1. Wikis
  2. Web 2.0 Strategy Recommendations for Practice Blogs
  3. Web 2.0 at Work: In Pursuit of Passion (slides only)
  4. Web 2.0 and the University
  5. Web 2.0 and Retail
  6. Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools You Should Try (IBM, given twice)
  7. Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools Every IBM Consultant Should Try (IBM, given twice)
  8. The Demographic Revolution (IBM keynote segment, given twice)
  9. The Art of Blogging
  10. Taking it Offline/Online: Combining Online and Offline Social Networking
  11. Sowing Seeds: A Tech Evangelist’s Guide to Grassroots Adoption
  12. Social Media Business Models
  13. Setting Up Your Drupal Development Environment
  14. No Time to Blog?
  15. New Media, New Generation
  16. New Bee’s Guide to Web 2.0 at IBM
  17. Networking for New Hires
  18. Millennials and University Relations
  19. IBM: The Next Generation
  20. IBM TLE: I.B.Millennials
  21. How to sketch with the Nintendo DS (slides only)
  22. How to Connect with LinkedIn
  23. Gen Y Guide to Web 2.0 at Work (slides only)
  24. From Webkinz and Club Penguin to Facebook and Myspace
  25. Creating w3 sites with Drupal
  26. Blog Your Way Out of a Job… and Into a Career (IBM and external)

That’s interesting. Also 26 separate topics… I hadn’t realized I did that many presentations. It’s all fun, though!

Next year, I want to talk more about communication, connection, and collaboration. I want to get better at recording and posting videos. I want to play with more sketches and maybe even animation, too.

My first public talk was at a Linux conference in 2001. In the past 8 years, I’ve learned tons, and I look forward to learning and sharing even more!

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