Dusting off my Emacs config files

| emacs

In June 2009, I switched hats and started facilitating workshops instead of developing Drupal code. Organizing resources and learning more about consulting kept me in a mostly-Windows environment with little reason to delve into the mysteries of the Emacs text editor, although I occasionally used Emacs to automate repetitive editing tasks.

Even though I haven’t played around with Emacs for a while, the text editor—and the community around it—hasn’t let go of me yet. My Emacs-related posts remain among the most popular on my blog, and people often write to me to ask questions or thank me for inspiration. I still keep Planet Emacsen in my feed reader, and I occasionally drop by the Emacs Wiki.

I miss working on Wicked Cool Emacs. I’ve turned it over to Ian Eure, whom I assume is persistently plugging away at it (although he might also have gotten distracted by real life as well–totally understandable). Now that I’m no longer distracted by the fun of tweaking Drupal (almost as flexible as Emacs, thanks to its hook system), Emacs calls.

I miss geeking out in #emacs on irc.freenode.net, helping people with questions on mailing lists, and playing with ideas that can be translated into code.

So I’m dusting off my configuration files and my notes, writing an org-toodledo module that pulls in my tasks from the web-based Toodledo task management system I’ve been using, and developing a rudimentary synchronization system that will help me make the transition.

(message “Hello, world!”)

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