IgniteToronto video: The Shy Presenter

Posted: - Modified: | presentation, speaking

I’m giving up on getting the organizers to update the incorrect abstract and bio on the page, but anyway, here’s the 5-minute video from my “Shy Presenter” talk at IgniteToronto:

Ignite Toronto 3: Sacha Chua – The Shy Presenter: An Introvert’s Guide to Speaking in Public from Ignite Toronto on Vimeo.

Minor miscalculation: shy or introverted presenters-to-be are not actually likely to come out to a bar with 200 people to watch an Ignite talk. Ah well. ;) Here's to fellow introverts who would rather catch the replay!

The Shy Presenter If you've ever struggled with small talk, felt overwhelmed in crowds, or wondered how to speak up at work, this talk's for you. In five minutes, you'll pick up quick tips about discovering what you have to say, how to say it, and why it's worth braving the spotlight.

Bio: Sacha Chua spent grade school to grad school hiding in computer labs and libraries. She prefers bookstores over bars, close friends instead of crowds, and silence over small talk. Blogging and public speaking turned out to be excellent ways to learn, though. Today, tens of thousands of people have viewed Sacha Chua's presentations, attended her keynotes, and read her blog (LivingAnAwesomeLife.com).

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