Thoughts on presenting: I love the backchannel

Posted: - Modified: | braindump, presentation, reflection, speaking

One of the reasons why I like presenting online more than presenting in even the best-equipped halls is the text chat that participants can use to share what they think. I love it. I think it’s incredible how, through talks, I can provide a space for people to come together and discuss something they’re interested in, and I can listen to what’s important to them and what they’ve learned.

The value I bring to a presentation:

  • a key message
  • next actions
  • a short, energetic, engaging presentation
  • other stories and insights as they come up during Q&A

The value I receive from a presentation:

  • new insights from the conversations
  • new connections
  • the warm and fuzzy feeling that comes from sharing

It’s a lot of fun. I hope I can help more presenters get the hang of the backchannel!

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