Exponential awesomeness
Posted: - Modified: | education, teaching, web2.0
@smeech I recently built an entire workshop around Sacha Chua‘s Teacher's Guide to Web 2.0: http://ow.ly/160X0 Watch/Do/Teach was our mantra
@sachac Sacha! Your presentation provided a perfect, low-stress, socratic & fun contextual frame for my day-long workshop. We had a ball!
kjarrett on Twitter
@sachac LOVE your stuff! I use a couple of your slideshares for an online Web 2.0 class I facilitate. GR8 job! Keep em coming!
jdornberg on Twitter
This is why sharing is so cool. Even if I don’t have the time, ability, or network to explore the opportunities opened up by what I’ve learned, I can share those thoughts with other people, and they can go and do something awesome.
I put together the Teacher’s Guide to Web 2.0 at School because I needed to make a presentation to kick off the school year for 90 teachers. Since then, it’s been viewed over 20,000 times. More than 150 people have shared it on their blogs. I haven’t explored it further. I haven’t even posted any notes. In particular, slide #25 probably needs more explanation than the few keywords I put on there to help people remember after my talk. But it’s enough to tickle people’s imaginations, and the simplicity lets them fill in their own insights.
I like this. The more I share, the more awesome things I get to see, and the more inspired I am to share.
What can you share so that other people can build on it?