Book: Making Peace with Your Office Life
| book, careerThis is the first time I've read a comprehensive guide for debugging your work environment. “Making Peace with Your Office Life” by Linda Glovinsky (ISBN 978-0-312-57602-8) has a great way to track and analyze your work envirnoment. It's packed with concrete advice for each situation. Not only is a book to keep, it, it's a book to give to friends who need the help.
The table of contents is too high-level, so I've written down the situations described in pages 175 to 304 to help you decide.
- I feel like I'm in jail: Confinement
- All I do is sit: Inactivity
- I'm sick of beige, white, and gray: Sensory Deprivation
- I'm working in Grand Central Station: Sensory Overload
- My ____ hurts: Ergonomic Issues
- The &^%@#! _______ is broken again!: Equipment Issues
- I can't find that report: Paper Management
- I have 400 unread e-mails: E-mail Overload
- Oops! I lost that file: Hard Drive File Problems
- I don't have the information I need to do my job: Information Access Issues
- I never get caught up: Unrealistic Workload
- I'm not allowed to make a mistake: Unrealistic Quality Standards
- I'm getting it from all directions: Conflicting Demands
- I'm constantly hitting roadblocks: Obstacles
- People keep barging in on me: Interruptions
- I hardly ever do the same thing twice: Excessive Task Variety
- I'm afraid I'll get fired if I don't look busy: Task Insufficiency
- I do the same things day after day: Repetitiveness
- I'm working on an assembly line: Task Fragmentation
- Why did I go to college?: Intellectual Deprivation
- I just can't do this: Daunting Tasks
- I have no control over how I do my job: Autonomy Issues
- I can't tell if I'm doing a good job: Lack of Measurable Outcomes
- I miss the people I love: Separation Issues
- I don't really know the people I work with: Isolation
- I'm nobody, who are you?: Status and Identity Issues
- I just had a huge fight with so-and-so: Conflict
- So-and-so and I got our wires crossed: Communication Problems
- I hate serving on committees: Meeting Issues
- My boss expects me to be a mind reader: Unclear Instructions
- My boss watches every move I make: Micromanagement
- My boss is an idiot: Incompetence
- My boss doesn't know what I look like: Avoidance
- My boss is a crook: Ethical Issues
- My boss is a wuss: Lack of Authority
- My boss is the boss from hell: Bullying
- If my coworker does that one more time…: Annoying Little Habits
- I can't get my coworker to do anything until the last minute!: Procrastination
- My coworker always has to win: Competitiveness
- My coworker always does things by the book: Rigidity
- My coworker doesn't toe the line: Laziness
- My coworker is an idiot: Incompetence
- My coworker is a slob: Messiness
- My coworker is a whiner: Griping
- I have to wear a mask: Anonymity
- Why do even the smart people talk like idiots?: Office-speak
- I hate having to wear a tie: Clothing Issues
- I don't know what the rules are: Romance and Sex
- It's just because I'm…: Discrimination
- They don't pay me enough for what I do: Financial Issues
- I only hear about it when I've screwed up: Lack of Encouragement
- The performance appraisals aren't fair: Unjust Evaluations
- I'm just a secretary: Low Prestige and Rankism
- I don't believe in what this organization is doing: Meaninglessness
“Making Peace with Your Office Life”, Linda Glovinsky (St. Martin's Press, New York, 2010; ISBN 978-0-312-57602-8)
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