Cool mornings

| canada

2010-07-31 Sat 08:00

Fall doesn't officially start until late September, but these mornings and evenings are pajama-cool, duvet-cool, un-summer-like. For the first time I am not troubled by the thought of wearing turtlenecks and sweaters in August. Time to unpack the clothes I stored a few months ago: layers of warmth and wicking, cashmere sweaters, coats of varying weight.

I have found other things to call fall and winter, to take the edge off the chill. It will be baking season, cooking season, sewing season. I've found a balance between the seasons for outdoor pursuits like bicycling and woodworking, and the seasons for indoor ones. Unusually cool or warm days give me a chance to enjoy activities from the other half of the year.

The garden will continue to grow for a bit. I may have time to sneak a crop or two in. Radishes grow quickly. The cooler weather is kind to lettuce and peas.

I'm learning not to fight nature. Little changes have made life smoother. So what if it doesn't feel like the tropical summers of my childhood? It is its own self.

2010-07-31 Sat 07:36

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