Sketchnotes: William Mougayar (engagio) at Third Tuesday Toronto
Posted: - Modified: | entrepreneurship, meetup, sketches, sketchnotes, social(Click on the image for a larger version)
William Mougayar shared lessons learned from serial entrepreneurship at the Third Tuesday Toronto meetup. He also demoed his recently funded startup,, which promises to be a social inbox for comments and conversations across different websites.
My thoughts after the talk:
- Blog comments and online interactions are great ways to build trust relationships. (Hear that? Comment more!
- It would be nifty to have a social inbox, particularly one that’s also a relationship management tool
- $500k seed funding can get people pretty darn far
- It’s fun getting speakers to autograph the sketchnotes =)
Were you there or have you attended other talks by William Mougayar? Have you used Engagio? (Seems to be down at the moment, pity.)
One nifty thing about Third Tuesday Toronto is that they fly speakers in and they coordinate with meetups in other cities to get the maximum coverage. Join the meetup to find out about upcoming events.
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If you like this, you might also like my other sketches. I like turning presentations and books into quick, easy-to-review images. Enjoy!
Here’s the text from the image to improve people’s ability to search for it:
William Mougayar @ Third Tuesday Toronto
@wmougayar @engagio
See also Paul Graham’s chart
Stages of a startup
Clear vision or Blurry vision (more realistic)
When Christopher Columbus set sail, he didn’t Google America.
Social Capital
Got to know people through blogs
I’ve made 3,000 comments on Fred Wilson’s blog
Got asked to moderate Fred Wilson’s blog
8 weeks to a minimum viable product
Demo of engagio
-My contacts
-Person’s profile (one place to follow)
Neat, would like to try this out
5 Lessons
1. Be wary of selling enterprise software
Very difficult to sell to a large company when you’re a startup
2. Have an original (but simple) idea
3. Don’t believe your own
4. Relationships don’t matter. Trusted relationships matter
5. Don’t quit trying
Fragmentation of the social web
Commenting is important = Potential relationships
Value in the conversations
Bet a beat story about startups & alcohol from blog conversation
Online advocacy is on the rise
Platform? Rails, MySQL, Solr, Twitter Bootstrap
Multiple users? Next week
Yelp? Maybe if API
Equentia? Some ideas for discovery. Get to 100K users first.
How did you get away with looking like Gmail? Haven’t gotten a call from Google yet.
Business? Focusing on end-users.
Funding priorities for spending?
Engineering & marketing
product development users
Building more social features into the product
Summarizing comments?
Maybe talk offline after.
Pivot reactions?
Excited. Still had other clients, but could move on.
Personal profile?
Automatically populated, can be edited.
Profile resolution?
Merging profiles with authentication
Mobile app? HTML5
Track other sites? In road map, may have to create plugin.
Business model? Get to look users first also, business intelligence/analytics.
Twitter: @sachac
March 27, 2012