Things that I’ve used Emacs for
| emacsEmacs can do a ton thanks to the code that people have contributed over the decades. Here’s a list of things I’ve used Emacs for, although I’m sure I’ve still missed a few!
- Taking notes
- Storing reference information
- Publishing blog posts
- Programming / coding
- Rails
- PHP / Drupal
- Java
- Javascript
- CSS / Sass
- Emacs Lisp
- Ruby
- Perl
- Bash scripts
- Managing my to-do list
- Timing tasks
- Managing my finances
- Studying
- Dictionary (Japanese)
- Flashcards
- With random fortunes displayed for correct answers
- With random images displayed for correct answers (cute kittens!)
- Example sentences lookup (Japanese)
- Random example sentence added to blog posts (Japanese)
- Brainstorming, outlining, and mindmapping
- Handling my mail
- Doing mail merges or file merges
- Tracking correspondence
- Personalizing greetings and signatures
- Managing contacts
- Writing research papers
- Managing my bibliography
- Making presentations
- Planning presentations
- Delivering dynamic presentations (with executable code!)
- Using speech synthesis to remind myself about what’s coming in the next “slide”
- Reading documentation
- Analyzing my blog and my writing
- Running a shell
- Searching files
- Cleaning up, filtering, or transforming text
- String and regexp replacement
- Keyboard macros
- Custom Emacs Lisp functions
- Editing files on a remote server
- Editing files inside an archive
- Reviowing and making text notes about images and other files
- Chatting on IRC
- Chatting on instant messengers
- Checking the calendar
- Playing Nethack
- Playing dunnet and snake
- Browsing the Web
- Posting to Twitter and other status update sites
- Rigging up my to-do list to automatically publish task data to an internal status update site
- Calculating expressions
- Using a spreadsheet
- Exploring directories
- Renaming, deleting, or moving files
- Drawing ASCII art
- Reading news
- Comparing files or revisions
- Typing in Japanese or Latin
- Reviewing similar files
- Synthesizing speech – “reading” books, technical manual, mail, etc.
- Learning more about Emacs
- Random symbols and commands
- Documentation
- Source code
- ROT13 and Morse code encryption/decryption
- Editing GPG-encrypted files
- Practising typing
- Opening spreadsheets and other files downloaded from the Web
- Taking screenshots (mostly of Nethack games)
- Analyzing web logs and other files
- Calculating days between two dates
- Sending text messages
- Analyzing source code
- Interacting with APIs
- Doing weekly, monthly, and yearly reviews
- Versioning my files
- Expanding text snippets
- Drafting a book
- Tracking my progress
- Editing files as root
- Compiling and running programs
- Editing text from the browser
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