Adapt to your learning style

Posted: - Modified: | learning, tips

Books are great, but they're not for everyone. If you find it hard to get through a book, figure out what your personal learning style is, and adapt to that instead. Do you prefer listening to audio or watching presentations? The Internet has plenty of resources, and many libraries carry audiobooks and DVDs as well. Do you prefer doing things with your hands? Experimenting is getting easier and easier.

That said, reading is a skill you can get better at. If you can become more comfortable with reading–or at least, with getting the most important points from a book or a summary of it–you can access a treasure trove of people's knowledge through the ages. Here's a sketch of mine from 2012 on How to Read a Book (Adler and van Doren)

Still, if you've got a choice of learning formats, why not pick one that follows your learning style? =) Good luck and have fun!

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